Providing Superior Legal Counsel in Commercial Real Estate, Finance and Other Business Needs.
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Your Business is Our Business.
Without your business, we have none.
It isn’t enough for us to simply do decent legal work; we have to do more than that. There are many other law firms out there, and most are capable of closing a deal. Most lawyers go to similar law schools, learn similar legal principles, and pass similar exams.
So what makes us different?
It isn’t enough for us to merely represent you. We strive to know you, to understand your business, and to know your industry as well as you do. Doing so allows us not only to provide you with legal advice but to understand how our advice will affect your bottom line. When you succeed, we succeed.
How We Have Helped Clients…
An international investor client was purchasing a shopping center to reposition it. We assisted the client in forming the appropriate legal entities based on the recommendation of their tax advisor. We worked closely with the client’s real estate broker to negotiate the purchase contract and to address the various aspects of the due diligence. During the due diligence phase, we assisted in the lease review of the retail tenants; discussed issues with the client that were raised in the phase I environmental assessment and the property condition report; and reviewed the survey, the title insurance commitment, and related title search documents. We negotiated the loan documents with the client’s lender and closed on the sale. We further assisted the client in the review and negotiation of the property management agreement and helped facilitate transfer and conveyance issues, including utilities and collections.