Mcnatt Law Firm, P. A. Logo
Mcnatt Law Firm, P. A. Logo

Your Business. Our Firm.

Your business is our business. Without your business, we have none.

It isn’t enough for us to simply do decent legal work; we have to do more than that. There are many other law firms out there, and most are capable of closing a deal. Most lawyers go to similar law schools, learn similar legal principles, and pass similar exams.

So what makes us different?

It isn’t enough for us to merely represent you. We strive to know you, to understand your business, and to know your industry as well as you do. Doing so allows us not only to provide you with legal advice but to understand how our advice will affect your bottom line. When you succeed, we succeed.

Knowledge and experience isn’t gleaned from a textbook or from handling a few deals. It is forged by years of experience. When we work on a transaction, we do so from a foundation of experience, knowledge, and insight gained over time. That gives us an understanding, not only of the issues underlying a deal, but also of the perspectives and positions of the various parties in the deal. We know what can advance negotiations and what can kill them, when to be flexible and when to dig in.

Again, a deal is a deal, and with so many firms capable of putting deals together, why use us? It is not unusual for our clients to call us for one purpose—to talk about their business. We share information, consider concerns, and discuss trends that may keep them up at night, because if they are up at night, so are we.

You need something more than a firm that simply handles your legal work. It is about how the work is performed, about the relationship that develops, and even about how payment for the work is arranged. When the economy started to decline, flexible fee arrangements became more prominent. It is something we have been doing with various clients for a number of years. We have cultivated these arrangements through candid discussion and creative thinking about fees and how they fit into our clients’ overall value equation. We are open to exploring creative approaches with you. Our goal is always to build a long-lasting relationship with you, which is impossible without a fee arrangement that both of us find acceptable and productive.

Ultimately, the real bottom line is that your success is ours.